As a member of Theta Xi at Georgia Tech, you will join a brotherhood that emphasizes personal improvement and achievement in academics, athletics, leadership, social ties, and spiritual growth. Beta Alpha men are proud to serve as leaders both on and off campus through philanthropic events, local ministries, and day-to-day interactions with others. Learn more about our goals and initiatives below.
Theta Xi grads celebrate “getting out” with Tech Tower
Theta Xi brothers represent every college at Georgia Tech and almost every major. Historically, Theta Xi brothers have maintained one of the highest GPAs on campus among fraternities. As a brother, you will learn how to structure your time and find the help you need to be successful with our structured support path. Members of Theta Xi have access to our study rooms, study materials, study groups, and tutoring by older brothers. We want to see you succeed in all aspects of college life!
Ramblin’ Royalty Finalist, Brother T.J. Middlebrooks
Beta Alpha brothers are very active on campus and in the Atlanta community. Brothers are involved in organizations across Georgia Tech's campus, and many brothers hold leadership positions. Those organizations include ROTC, Student Government, the Interfraternity Council, Scheller Business Ambassadors, Ramblin Reck Club, GTSF Investments Committee, One Voice Atlanta, International Justice Mission, Greek Village, Connect with Tech, Executive Round Table, Student Center Programs Council, and other professional and leadership focused societies and groups.
Brothers draw greeting cards for foster children with Alpha Phi
Our brothers are dedicated to serving Georgia Tech, Atlanta, and the world through service projects and mission trips. We have traveled as far as South Africa, Bosnia, Chile, and Nicaragua. As a national fraternity, Theta Xi contributes to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Habitat for Humanity. Our largest single fundraising effort is Spike Out MS, an annual Spikeball tournament open to the entire Georgia Tech community benefiting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. We also enjoy hosting many service project nights with sororities on campus.
Brother James Rehberg crowdsurfs at a mixer with Alpha Xi Delta
Social Life
When it's time to close the books and kick back, Theta Xi brothers do it right. Beta Alpha hosts a number of different social events including date nights, mixers, band parties, movie nights, cookouts, a semiformal, beach weekends, football tailgates, and our annual Sweetheart Formal. Even if there's not a planned event, you can always find brothers and their friends hanging out on the porch, in the front yard, or on our new 2nd story balcony. The social fraternity atmosphere provides an opportunity to create long-lasting, deep friendships.
Praise led by Connor Vizon at one of our monthly Worship Nights
Spiritual Growth
Theta Xi at Georgia Tech presents a unique opportunity for Christian men on campus. We strive to honor Christ in all that we do. Our fraternity is committed to each brother's spiritual development and growth as we learn to pursue God together in a college environment. As the only Christian fraternity on Georgia Tech's campus, the Theta Xi brotherhood shares a common bond in our love for Jesus Christ and our desire to honor and serve Christ in all that we do. Brothers are always available and willing to offer advice, help with discipleship, and provide accountability to help you in your personal walk with Christ.
Brothers celebrate with our school-wide champion softball team
Our brothers strive for excellence in all we do, including intramurals. Whether it is a Theta Xi A Team playing for a school championship or a B Team in it for a good time, athletics are a great way to have fun, compete, and grow closer with our brothers. Our Associate Members always have their own teams too, coached by brothers, as a way of bonding with each other and feeling the support of our brothers. Our recent intramural successes include school-wide and IFC softball championships, IFC racquetball Champions, school-wide and IFC Spikeball championships, and many more divisional titles in other brotherhood favorites like ultimate frisbee and basketball.